Food Allergy Alert Daycare/School Handouts and Posters

Food Allergy Alert Daycare/School Handout

I made the poster for my daughter's classroom, and I thought I'd share! 
To print Posters and Handouts, double click, or right click on image and save image on your device, then print. It will print as an 8x10: 


Here is a handout that I made for Daycare, Sub folder, and Specials Teachers to compliment the Emergency Food Allergy, and Anaphylaxis Plan

Spanish Peanut and Tree-nut Free Classroom Signs:


Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Thank you to the fellow food allergy Mom who asked for a peanut only version of the poster. Making it, and sharing it was my pleasure :-) I love Helping our food allergy community!

Unknown said...

do you have one for an egg free classroom?????

Unknown said...

actually we need dairy free and egg free together. I printed out the dairy free one. Is it too much trouble to have one with dairy/egg??? TIA

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Hi! I will try to get that done tonight, or tomorrow! Thanks for the suggestion!

Unknown said...


Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Your welcome! Glad you like it!

Allie said...

These are amazing. Thank you!! My dd is starting preschool and is Dairy, egg, wheat and peanut allergic.
I will definitely use the last one for substitute teachers.

JoodithMore said...

Omg I love them! Can you please remake the one that says peanut and nut free table and remove the word " free ". That way kids who hve an option to eat peanuts / nuts can sit there. Tnk u in advance! :-)

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Hi Jc Ma! Will do :-)

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Good luck with school! Hope she has a fantastic year!

JoodithMore said...

Yay! Can't wait & thnk u!! =)

JoodithMore said...

Ooops I just saw it. Awesome! Thnk u thnk u bunches, Liz!! Blessings!! =)

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

You're welcome! Let me know if you need word changes or colors changed for prints.

Irene Buenting said...

Good Morning, Your poster are great, we use the peanut/nut one in our preschool rooms. If it is not to much trouble could you make one that is just for eggs? Thank you for all of your hard work the poster make a real impact on our parents!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Thank you Irene :-) I will make one for eggs ASAP!!

Amy said...

Hi Elizabeth! Your posters are great! Would you be able to change the Allergy Aware classroom poster to take out the line about asking about Birthday treats since we thankfully have gotten the approval to have those banned from the classroom this year! Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome signs! I run a lunch program at a small school and we have many children with a host of food allergies. These signs are great for our tables, but....if you could add "seeds" to the nut free table sign it would be perfect! A lot of our students with nut allergies also have sesame and flax allergies. Thanks for considering it!!!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Sure! Thank you!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Thank you! Yes I will do asap!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the seed sign! You are doing great work here, Lady!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Thank you! You're welcome! :-) said...

These signs are awesome and thorough! Thank you for creating and sharing these freely with us. I would love to post the first Food Allergy Alert poster with a space for photos but the word PLEASE is missing the L and says "PEASE". Would you correct it so that I can download that one? Thank you in advance!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Thank you so much for letting me know! Fixed it!!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Thank you! Fixed!

JoodithMore said...

Hello! Would you please make one saying
Peanut and Tree Nut Classroom food allowed

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

I added one, let me know if it works.

Brea said...

Hi! These are so great! Can you make a Nut and Dairy free classroom sign for us? My daughter is starting kindergarten this year. Thanks so much

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

Yes! I made one for you :-)

Amy said...

Would it be possible for you to make a nut/peanut free facility poster that includes the hand washing request? Thank you so much!

Teresa said...

I am finding that the "No food allowed" poster will not print in 8x10 or full page. Can that be fixed? Thank you!

Teresa said...

I'm sorry, the 2nd poster, asking not to share snacks, will also not print in full page form. Thank you!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

fixing them... thanks!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

they are fixed!

Elizabeth Bostic Art & The Painted Garden said...

I fixed them to print lager. Let me know it they still do not print full size. Thanks for letting me know!!!

SMDlittlechamp said...

These signs are awesome and thorough! Thanks for sharing.
Day Care & Preschool In Panchkula

JoodithMore said...

Can you please make a posters that say Peanut Aware Center and one that say Peanut and Tree Nut Aware center. Also one Food Allergy Aware Center for birthday treat policy? Thank you!

Jim Higgins said...

Where can I find the downloadable version of this poster I found on someone's Pinterest?

Anonymous said...

Hi.....I noticed you haven't updated your login a while. Are you still active? I love your signs and was wondering you could personalize some for me. Please respond if still active. Thanks!!

RN said...

Hi, these are fabulous posters. Do you have one that is just an egg allergy poster. I have a child that can have dairy just not egg.

Anonymous said...

Love your signs! Could you make a general one in Spanish like you have the "we are a food allergy aware classroom, please do not share your snack or lunch with your classmates...."